Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Holy Ghost has come not only to be a comforter but as the third person of the Trinity he glorifies Jesus Christ. No one can say that Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh unless the Holy Spirit reveals it to them. I can say that Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh but how many people actually beleive it? We can also tell by a person's fruit what their walk with God is really like. We must test the spirits. We can not believe that everyone that says they are of God really are. I believe that The Comforter gives us discernment as well. We need the Comforter so we can know the truth. But there is the deciever, the destroyer, the killer, that is the enemy of God. He wants to steal the truth away from the believer in Jesus Christ. He wants the souls of every man,women, and child. If a person can't say that Jesus Christ of Nazareth came in the flesh then he has been deceived by the great deciever of all time. For those who don't believe they have become the enemy of God. They then belong to Satan. Many Christians today have been decieved into believing any miracle, anyone claimiing to be a Christian is of God and they do not test the spirits. It is crucial for a Christian to test the spirits. You wouldn't fill a bath tub full of hot water then step in. You would first test the water to make sure that it is not too hot. I have been told that everyone is decieved in some way. I believe that when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior that your eyes are opened to the truth but when you experience the Baptist of the Holy Ghost you have the Holy Ghost in your spirit and he reveals all things to you. You need not be decieved. The Bible says in the last days many will fall away from their faith. How can this happen? The enemy has apparently replaced the truth with lies. I think this will be the next avenue I will explore. I wonder if I should give examples of how I have experienced God in my life??? Let the Lord be magnified!

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