Thursday, November 13, 2008

Holidays are coming!

With the election being over it is time to think about Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Is the Holiday Season really almost here? My dearest came home from work and said they are no longer saying Merry Christmas. It seems that Christ is out and every other religion is in. You can be anything you want except a servant of the Most High. The word of God is very clear about how you can get into Heaven. No man can come to the Father except through the son.
I love this time of year. The hot season is over. The trees are brilliant with color. It is time to plan the holiday menus and pull the seasonal decorations. We can sit by the fire and enjoy the warmth of family and friends. When I was little I used to love the feel of getting into bed sliding in under the cold sheets with the heaviness of the blankets on me knowing that I would soon be warm.
As I remember the little things of my childhood, I am reminded of all the things I am thankful for. I am Thankful for my wonderful family and friends. I am thankful for all the blessings that God has given me. I get to live in America. I get to go to the church of my choice(for how much longer I don't know). I can travel where I would like to go. I get to eat what I want. I can live where I would like. Sure I have some limitations such as finances. But I think a lot of this is going to change.
The American people have chosen to forget God. People are now serving other gods. They are choosing to serve themselves, and other religions. They are saying bye,bye to Jesus and hello to anti-christ. The spirit of anti-christ has been in the world since Jesus came to earth. The bible warns us of the evil that will be fall us. We are seeing this happen before our very eyes. I am so Thankful that this Thanksgiving and Christmas I still can worship the way I would like to. I can celebrate the birth of Christ with joy in my heart knowing that He lives in me. Nothing and no one can take the love of Christ from my heart. Sometimes things can be difficult but I will always be grateful and thankful that I know the Lord Jesus Christ. He loves me unconditionally. He said he came because the Father loved the whole world. Not one or two thousand but the whole world. "For God so love the world He gave His only begotten Son." John 3:16.
We have all heard this scripture over the years. How many really believe it? Have faith and believe it today!!! Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior today. Just ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins and to come into your heart. Have faith that he will change you for good. That he can deliver you from evil and that you will be able to live in the house of the Lord forever. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Falling Away

We have all sinned and fallen short of God's grace.
Sin has separated us from His glorious face
Our lusts and desires cause Him such pain
on the cross he died and for us was slain

The hearts of His children have gone astray.
The children He loves have turned away.
Misled, deceived, have they really believed
Call back the lost sheep they must be retrieved

The Son of God did not die in vain
He gave us white garments without any stain
So why are they leaving without understanding
Who are they worshiping who is their king

Have they been testing the spirits as it says in the Word
Chasing, signs, and wonders away they have been lured
Every Spirit that says that Jesus is not God in the Flesh
will steal the hearts of men they won't need nets of mesh

Run Back, Run Back to His forgiving ,loving arms
Leave the world with all of it's temptations and charms
Return to the Holy One of Israel through His risen Son
Re turn to the work that must be done.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I have been reading from the Lighthouse Trails

I have just been reading from the Lighthouse trails. It is an informative News letter about the Christian Reformation that is going on in the world today. Many well known Christian leaders are involved this so called "Reformation". I believe that Martin Luther, Andrew Murray, Smith Wigglesworth, and others of times past would be shocked at what is happening in the Christian world today.

I started seeing great changes in the Christian churches in the late 1980's. I started questioning some of the things I had seen. One Pastor that I had really loved the Lord but he allowed people to teach in the Church that were promoting New Age practices. When I questioned this I was told that I wasn't there yet. I moved across the country. In this place I was told that the New Age did not exist in this city. I could not believe what I was hearing. There is so much denial in the churches. I moved to another country. I visited a few churches and was so surprised to see that they had readily embraced the New Age. I saw people thinking that barking like dogs or snorting like pigs was the Holy Spirit come upon them. The Holy Spirit is Holy. Dogs and pigs are not!!! When the Holy Spirit comes upon us we are to become Holy. Property of Jesus Christ of Nazereth, God who cam in the Flesh. We are to test the spirits. We are not to believe that anyone or anything is of God. You will know them by their fruits.

You can not be a Muslim,Hindu,Buddhist, or anything outside of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour with repentance. That means turning away from your past sins and that means any life style that does not please God the Father. There is a scripture"No man can come to the Father accept through the Son." Many people today believe that they are Christians today because they made a decission for Christ. What does that mean? According to the word of God one must actively participate in becoming a Christian. The Gospel of John third chapter verses 1-21 explain that one must be born again. So many people dislike that phrase. I guess that's because we must change.
It says that a man must be born of the water and of the Spirit. You must actively confess Jesus Christ as the only begotten son of the Father.

When you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, which means He is now the boss of you. You will start getting convicted by the Holy Ghost. You will not feel comfortable doing your old things. You will start living a new life. The Holy Ghost becomes your teacher. You do not need to be a scholar or an intellectual. The Bible was written and interpreted for everyone to use. I used to think I couldn't read or understand the Bible. But according to John14: 26 But the Comforter,which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name.he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things. whatsoever I have said unto you.

The truth is so important. I ask God the Father to show me the truth constantly because deception is running rampantly. I want to believe the truth and live the truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth and without Him there is no Truth. "I am the Truth. the Life and the Way, no man can come to the Father accept by me."

I believe that Lighthouse Trails is promoting the Truth....They don't know me. I hope I have not said anything that they could or would disagree with. These are my opinions about the Word of God. I believe them to be true because I got them directly from the Bible which is the word of God.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Qu'ran Speaks on the Torah and the Gospels

Audio which explores what the Koran says about the Torah and the Gospels. Makes the case FROM THE KORAN that the Koran teaches that an uncorrupted, God-inspired Torah and Gospels were held by Christians and Jews at the time of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed. Also shows that these are the same texts that are with us today. The Koran does not speak well of those who "believe a part and reject a part" of The Book (God's revelation to man in the Torah, Gospels and Qu'ran as in "The People of the Book" referring not just to Muslims but those of these other faiths as well).

24 minute MP3 file......

24 minute audio file at this location.....

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Another year has begun

Time is so precious. Yet you can't see it or touch it. You can feel it. I guess you can see it on our faces and our bodies. But you can not see time itself. Movies are made about people going back in time to change things or to learn something from the past. Some go forward in time to see what the future will bring. History is recorded events of what happened in past times.
The Bible covers everything we need to know. It gives record of what happened from the very beginning of time until the very end of time as we will know it and everything in between. It is very good to know that in these turbulent times that we have the Comforter that Jesus promised. God keeps His promises. The Bible, the Word of God, informs us that we will have trials and tribulations. Jesus said that those who believed on Him and asked him to be Lord of their lives he would then send the Holy Ghost. A man named Nicodemus said to Jesus that he knew that Jesus was a teacher that came from God because no man can do those miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus replied Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus said unless a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:1-21 The time we are given should be used wisely. It is wise to seek the kingdom of God and all Righteousness that all these things will be added unto you. The time has come when we have to make serious choices.
The actor Heath Ledger is a good example of this. We can live for only so long. Eventually are time will end. Most of us believe that Mr Ledger's life was cut short for what ever reason. Did he make wise choices in his life? We don't know but time will tell. Things will come out about his life and we will learn a lot about him. Did he chose Jesus Christ for his Lord and Savior? Did he teach his little daughter about the word of God? I don't know what he did or didn't do but he knows the truth now and he can't take back his decisions. He can't change a thing now. But those of us still here can still make a difference in time by living each day knowing we made the decision to have a personal relationship with Christ. Time is still passing us by everyday. We can catch it and reign it in with the word of God. Look at all the people in history that don't even know that they are a part of what has influenced us. Whether for good or for evil we are influenced by history and influencing history. The Bible is His story. What is yours?